Q:How do the images tell a story, represent your theme?
A:It represent my theme because mine theme is about consuming. How the economy desperately wanted you to buy stuff.
Q:What's your message? What do the pictures say?
A: My message is to tell you that most people are likely to buy stuff without no reason. They rather not be a leader but a follower. For example, if your the older sister whatever you do your little sister copies you. The same goes to consuming. If a item/product is popluar people go buys it just because it is popular. The pictures says that buying is not a bad thing and if you don't buy then your credict card is going to run away. Just like in the book. The part where Violet messes with her lesion; not buying anything.
Q:Why did you choose the images you did, what are their importance, implications and influence?
A:I choose these images because I thought it was an interesting thing to show. It shows that people consume just because they wanted to or it might be something that is their everyday fun; by buying thing without a reason. The images where the visa card is running away is trying to influence people that if you don't buy item/product your credict card might run away like that.
Q:What are the applications or use of, understandings and values of some combination of the text themes that you have develped and/or experienced over your lifetime?
A:From what I experience I see a lot of advertisement but I don't fall for it. I spend my money on things that are necessary. Such as, toilet paper, blanket, computer, those that last a long time. Through out my whole life I onlyhave one pair of tennis shoe and one pair of sandals.
Q:How have you developed these? (where, how, who helped/influenced you?)
A: My parents influecne me. They told me not to buy things that are not necessary. I was influence from them and the hardship they went through. They don't even consume much but even sometime they are short on money. Consuming a lot can make you short on money too.
Q:What are your feelings about them?
A:I think that its good to just consume those that are needed because if we consume too much it will cause global warming. Right now we are having some problems such as global warming and pollution and etc.
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