Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Persepolis BLog 2

Q:Describe the writer's voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience?

A:The writer's voice seem to put a lot of feeling into it. I think that it's appealing to me because it makes me want to be part of the story too. The character that I like the most is the main character. I liked her the most because she fight for rights. For example, she wanted to make a rule where slaves can eat with you on the table. The character that I like the least is the main character's grandma because she don't really do anything. She just sit there. Seems like she has nothing/relate to the book. Well it kind of affect my reading experience. For example, some part I don't understand and it makes me go back to read it again. Usually some of the books that I read don't make me go back to read it but this book seems interesting. That it makes me go back and reread.

Q:"Every situation has an opportunity for laughs."(pg. 97) Give some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoyed life despite the oppressive regime. What made you laugh? How does Satrapi add comic relief? How are these scenes relevant to the story as a whole?

A:They read books, family gathering, traveling, and etc. What made me laugh is my family. We would gather together tell eachother stories. Or just bother each other until we get mad at each other. Well after all those bad things happen he add a panel where they have fun. Just gathering together or just party.

Q:At the core of the book is Marji's family. What is this family like? What is important to Marji's parents? What environment do they create for their daughter despite living under a oppressive regime and through a brutal, prolonged war? From where do they get their strength?

A: Well this family helped one another. They talked to eachother and discuss about the problems that are happening. What is imprtant to Marji's parents is freedom and equal rights. The environment they created for their daughter is freedom. Where she gets to have and wear what she wants. HOwever, still keep her tradition. They get their strenght from others. A lot of people protest so they decieded to protest too. Those who are dead are consider heroes during that time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Persepolis Blog

Q:What kinds of captivity and freedom does the author explore in Persepoli? What stifles or prevents from being completely free? How do they circumvent and defy the rules impsed on them and attempt to lives despite revolution and war? Give some examples of their small acts of rebellion.

A:She wanted to go to school without the veil. For example, she never wear the veil when she goes out and goes to school. What prevents them from being completely free is that if the women doesn't wear the veil then they get harssed, murdered, or injure. For example, the main character's parents went on a rally that they don't want to wear the veil and want freedom.

Q:What is Satrapi suggesting about the relationship between past and present, and between national and personal history? What role does her family history, and the stories of her relatives, play in shaping Marji?

A:Satrapi is suggesting that our past can repeat again in this present because now in Irag or Iran the women protest about their equal rights. Through out our history is about war, racisim, and etc. Even nowadays, it is still happening. The racist and equal rights are still going on. The role her family give to her is to give her freedom to do what she want. Let her catch her dreams. The same thing goes for her realtive.They want the young ones to have their freedom and live without fear. Get a chance to go to school and experience what is out there in the world that is yet to come.

Q:What is the role of women in the story? Compare and contrast the various women: Marji, her mother, her grandmother, her school, and teachers, the maid, the neighbors, the guardians of the revolution?

A:Marji she plays a role as a mother. She takes care of her family and don't go out a lot. Her grandmother plays a role like telling her granddaughter that what's right and what is wrong. Her school plays a role as education and knowledge in the book/story.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blog 3

Q:How do the images tell a story, represent your theme?
A:It represent my theme because mine theme is about consuming. How the economy desperately wanted you to buy stuff.
Q:What's your message? What do the pictures say?
A: My message is to tell you that most people are likely to buy stuff without no reason. They rather not be a leader but a follower. For example, if your the older sister whatever you do your little sister copies you. The same goes to consuming. If a item/product is popluar people go buys it just because it is popular. The pictures says that buying is not a bad thing and if you don't buy then your credict card is going to run away. Just like in the book. The part where Violet messes with her lesion; not buying anything.
Q:Why did you choose the images you did, what are their importance, implications and influence?
A:I choose these images because I thought it was an interesting thing to show. It shows that people consume just because they wanted to or it might be something that is their everyday fun; by buying thing without a reason. The images where the visa card is running away is trying to influence people that if you don't buy item/product your credict card might run away like that.
Q:What are the applications or use of, understandings and values of some combination of the text themes that you have develped and/or experienced over your lifetime?
A:From what I experience I see a lot of advertisement but I don't fall for it. I spend my money on things that are necessary. Such as, toilet paper, blanket, computer, those that last a long time. Through out my whole life I onlyhave one pair of tennis shoe and one pair of sandals.
Q:How have you developed these? (where, how, who helped/influenced you?)
A: My parents influecne me. They told me not to buy things that are not necessary. I was influence from them and the hardship they went through. They don't even consume much but even sometime they are short on money. Consuming a lot can make you short on money too.
Q:What are your feelings about them?
A:I think that its good to just consume those that are needed because if we consume too much it will cause global warming. Right now we are having some problems such as global warming and pollution and etc.