Q:Describe the writer's voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience?
A:The writer's voice seem to put a lot of feeling into it. I think that it's appealing to me because it makes me want to be part of the story too. The character that I like the most is the main character. I liked her the most because she fight for rights. For example, she wanted to make a rule where slaves can eat with you on the table. The character that I like the least is the main character's grandma because she don't really do anything. She just sit there. Seems like she has nothing/relate to the book. Well it kind of affect my reading experience. For example, some part I don't understand and it makes me go back to read it again. Usually some of the books that I read don't make me go back to read it but this book seems interesting. That it makes me go back and reread.
Q:"Every situation has an opportunity for laughs."(pg. 97) Give some examples of how the ordinary citizens of Iran enjoyed life despite the oppressive regime. What made you laugh? How does Satrapi add comic relief? How are these scenes relevant to the story as a whole?
A:They read books, family gathering, traveling, and etc. What made me laugh is my family. We would gather together tell eachother stories. Or just bother each other until we get mad at each other. Well after all those bad things happen he add a panel where they have fun. Just gathering together or just party.
Q:At the core of the book is Marji's family. What is this family like? What is important to Marji's parents? What environment do they create for their daughter despite living under a oppressive regime and through a brutal, prolonged war? From where do they get their strength?
A: Well this family helped one another. They talked to eachother and discuss about the problems that are happening. What is imprtant to Marji's parents is freedom and equal rights. The environment they created for their daughter is freedom. Where she gets to have and wear what she wants. HOwever, still keep her tradition. They get their strenght from others. A lot of people protest so they decieded to protest too. Those who are dead are consider heroes during that time.